Handling Test Case Failures Like a Pro: A Step-by-Step Guide

3 min readSep 5, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In software testing, a failed test case doesn’t always mean you’ve hit a bug. Many factors can cause a test to fail, from outdated test cases to simple data issues. Before jumping to conclusions and filing a bug report, it’s essential to dig deeper. Here’s a smart, structured approach to help you handle failed test cases efficiently:

1. Re-run the Test Case: A Quick Reality Check

First things first, rerun the test. Sometimes, failures are just a glitch in execution. If the test passes the second time around, crisis averted! But if it fails again, it’s time to take a closer look.

2. Is the Test Case Still Active?

Make sure you’re running an ‘Active’ test case. An ‘Inactive’ test case — perhaps due to deprecated functionality — won’t reveal a valid bug. If the test is outdated, that failure isn’t a concern and can be safely skipped.

3. Revisit the User Story: Is It Still Relevant?

Go back to the original user story or requirement. Does the test case still align with what the software is supposed to do? If the specifications have evolved but the test case hasn’t, you’ve found the root of the failure.




Experienced SDET skilled in JavaScript, Python, Cypress, Playwright, CI/CD, Jenkins, Git, Selenium, API testing, Postgres, and MySQL, for robust QA automation.